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[US-NK Summit] Moon ‘ardently hopes’ for success of US-NK talks

President Moon Jae-in on Tuesday expressed hopes for the success of the US-North Korea summit, saying that he had a sleepless night in anticipation of the meeting.

“The North-US summit has started. Perhaps the minds of our people are on Singapore. I too spent a sleepless night,” Moon said at Tuesday’s Cabinet meeting. 

President Moon Jae-in thoughtful on the day of US-NK summit. (Yonhap)
President Moon Jae-in thoughtful on the day of US-NK summit. (Yonhap)
Moon Jae-in watches live broadcast of Trump-Kim summit from Seoul (Yonhap)
Moon Jae-in watches live broadcast of Trump-Kim summit from Seoul (Yonhap)

The weekly meeting started with the president and top government officials watching live coverage of the summit in Singapore.

“(I) together with the people (of South Korea) ardently hope for a successful meeting that brings us complete denuclearization and peace, and opens a new era for the South, the North and the US,” Moon said.

By Choi He-suk (