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Moon says a little inconvenience can help save environment

South Korean President Moon Jae-in on Tuesday urged his people to help protect the environment by reducing their use of plastic and other disposables, saying that a little inconvenience could ensure the safety and convenience of all.

"Protecting the environment starts with our small steps. We can help reduce the use of oil and thus greenhouse gas and fine dust simply by reducing our use of plastic bags," Moon said in a message marking the UN World Environment Day.


"We often think about global issues, such as saving polar bears, when we discuss saving the environment, but it really depends on how we live our daily lives," he added.

The president said everyone and anyone could contribute by enduring small inconveniences.

"I hope we can reduce our use of plastic just for one day today, so the experience will show us how great it is," he said. "We may not return to how it used to be in the past. Still, I believe my little inconvenience may become a convenience for us all."(Yonhap)