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[Advertorial] Eximbank promotes companies’ chances for knowledge sharing abroad

The state-led Export-Import Bank of Korea on Tuesday held a conference targeting local small and midsized enterprises to promote their opportunities to be engaged in a state-sponsored knowledge sharing program.

Some 150 representatives from 85 companies seeking business overseas, institutions devoted to the knowledge sharing program and the Ministry of Economy and Finance attended the event held at 63 Convention Center in Yeouido, Seoul, according to the bank. 

Attendees at Eximbank Korea’s conference to promote a knowledge sharing program, including Finance Ministry official Seo Kyu-shik (third from left, front row), pose for a photo. (Korea Eximbank)
Attendees at Eximbank Korea’s conference to promote a knowledge sharing program, including Finance Ministry official Seo Kyu-shik (third from left, front row), pose for a photo. (Korea Eximbank)
The knowledge sharing program refers to a project involving consultations and advice in the policymaking of foreign countries lacking in infrastructure.

Participation in the knowledge sharing program is designed to pave the way to joining official development assistance by procuring goods or services through the Economic Development Cooperation Fund, Asia Development Bank and Korea International Cooperation Agency, according to the bank.

“We see a growing importance of Korea’s knowledge sharing program to enable sustainable development and enhance the effect of development,” said Eun Sung-soo, head of Eximbank Korea. “Through the knowledge sharing program, (Eximbank Korea) will provide policy consultation to partner countries and help companies participating in the program make inroads into ODA.”

As of end-2017, Eximbank Korea supported 28 consulting projects related to construction and infrastructure in 15 countries and 98 other projects by cooperating with nine international organizations.
