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Cat blamed for fire at Jeju house

A feline companion is being blamed for accidentally setting fire to a Jeju house that incurred 2 million won ($1,800) in damage.

The fire started in the standalone house’s kitchen at around 8 p.m. Thursday in Aewol, Jeju. An area of about 7 square meters was burnt and 10 square meters were singed.

The burnt kitchen (Jeju Seobu Fire Station)
The burnt kitchen (Jeju Seobu Fire Station)

The Jeju Seobu Fire Station was able to extinguish the flames in some 20 minutes, before starting investigation into the source of the fire.

No one had been inside the house at the time of the fire, and no signs of a short circuit were found. As the house’s high-tech kitchen stove could be turned on with just a soft touch, the authorities concluded that it must have been one of the two cats in the house that had accidentally started the fire.

The dog was excluded from the list of suspects as it couldn’t have jumped high enough to walk on the stove.

By Lim Jeong-yeo (