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16,000 nonregular workers at 600 public institutions to be switched to regular status

About 16,000 nonregular workers at 600 public institutions will be switched to full-time regular status starting next month, the labor ministry said Thursday.

The move represents the second stage of a three-stage plan that the government of President Moon Jae-in put together to switch nonregular workers in the public sector to regular status.

The government has already been carrying out the first-stage plan that calls for turning 116,000 nonregular workers at central government agencies, regional public corporations and provincial governments into regular workers.


On Thursday, the labor ministry announced guidelines for implementing the second-stage plan, saying all nonregular workers carrying out regular and continuous duties should be switched to regular status, with exceptions only in unavoidable cases.

Subject to the second-stage transition are nonregular workers at institutions set up and funded by local governments, such as cultural, scholarship and welfare foundations and public medical centers, as well as regional public corporations.

The transition will be completed by October for temporary workers and by December for other nonregular workers. (Yonhap)
