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Police grill two lawyers in opinion-rigging scandal

Police on Thursday questioned two lawyers in connection with an influential blogger charged with rigging online comments on news articles about the Moon Jae-in administration.

The blogger, who goes by the alias “Druking,” was arrested and indicted last month for allegedly using a computer program to boost the number of “likes” for comments critical of the government in January.

Once an avid supporter of Moon, Druking requested Rep. Kim Kyoung-soo of the ruling Democratic Party of Korea have two lawyers appointed as the consul-general in Osaka, Japan, and a Cheong Wa Dae official after the presidential elections in May last year.

When the request was turned down, Druking sent threatening messages to Kim.

Police are looking into whether the two lawyers, members of an online community run by Druking, knew about the request to Kim and whether they had any contact with the presidential office regarding the posts.


One of the lawyers, surnamed Yoon, defended Druking in the investigation, but quit after he was indicted.

Police have summoned Kim, one of Moon’s closest aides, for questioning on Friday over suspicions of his involvement in the opinion-rigging scheme and how he handled Druking’s request.

Police also grilled the lawmaker’s aide, surnamed Han, Monday over allegations he had received 5 million won ($4,650) from an associate of Druking in September last year.

By Kim So-hyun (