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Ex-prosecutor in 'Me Too' case indicted without detention

Prosecutors said Wednesday they have indicted a former senior prosecutor without physical detention for unfairly disadvantaging his female junior colleague for raising sexual misconduct allegations against him.

The special prosecution team in charge of the case said it charged Ahn Tae-geun with abuse of power.

He has been under investigation since early this year after Seo Ji-hyeon, a district attorney, made a revelation via a television interview that Ahn groped her during a funeral dinner in 2010.

Former senior prosecutor Ahn Tae-geun (center) (Yonhap)
Former senior prosecutor Ahn Tae-geun (center) (Yonhap)

She also claimed that he exerted influence to have her transferred to a position outside of Seoul because she tried to formally raise the issue with the prosecution's internal affairs bureau.

Prosecutors sought to arrest him but the request for a warrant was denied by the court last week, on the basis that the charges are disputable.

Prosecutors filed for a writ on the charge of abuse of authority, since the statute of limitations has expired for the sexual misconduct allegations.

The allegations triggered the so-called "Me Too" movement in South Korea, sparking a raft of revelations from alleged female victims in the culture, arts, education and religious sectors.

The prosecution launched a special probe to look into sexual misconduct allegations within legal circles, primarily Ahn's case, following Seo's revelation. An internal prosecution committee tasked with reviewing Ahn's case has recommended Ahn be indicted.

Ahn, whose last job was chief of criminal affairs at the Ministry of Justice, was fired in June last year for offering cash to junior prosecutors over a private dinner. Regarding the sexual misconduct allegations, he has said he does not remember the incident and strongly denied he pulled strings to have Seo moved to her current post. (Yonhap)
