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EU welcomes NK's decision to stop nuclear, missile tests

The European Union on Saturday welcomed North Korea's decision to stop its nuclear and missile tests and close an atomic test site, calling the move a "positive, long sought-after step."

EU foreign affairs chief Federica Mogherini said in a statement that the North's announcement has to lead to its complete, verifiable and irreversible denuclearization.

Earlier in the day, North Korea announced that it will suspend nuclear and missile tests as of Saturday and dismantle a nuclear test site in the country's northern areas as it prepares for summits with South Korea and the United States.


The EU expressed support for the upcoming summits between President Moon Jae-in and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, as well as that between Kim and US President Donald Trump.

"We hope that these high-level initiatives can continue to build confidence and bring about additional, concrete and positive outcomes," the statement said.

Mogherini also said that the EU will continue to "support a negotiated solution" and keep implementing its policy of critical engagement, which combines strong pressure with open communication channels.(Yonhap)