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Hyundai Mobis to self-develop autonomous driving tech in US, Korea, Germany

Hyundai Mobis, the auto parts making unit of Hyundai Motor Group, will start developing level-3 and 4 self-driving systems through its autonomous vehicle dubbed M.Billy in the US later this month, followed by Korea and Germany, the company said Thursday.

The company’s latest move is aimed at taking the lead in bolstering future mobility technology with the firm’s enhanced role in the move upon Hyundai Motor Group’s structural overhaul last month.

M.Billy will contain 25 sensors self-developed by Mobis: one front camera, five radars, one lidar, 12 ultrasonic sensors, and four surround view monitoring.

(Hyundai Mobis)
(Hyundai Mobis)

Kia Motors’ K5 midsize sedan-based autonomous car is currently equipped with a front camera, while the remaining 24 sensors are scheduled to be installed beginning in the third quarter of this year, the company said.

As its first test bed, the company plans to start testing M.Billy in Michigan, US later this month, for which it had acquired an M-license plate in 2016.

The level-3 self-driving system requires drivers to interfere in emergencies, while level-4 refers to complete self-driving.

The company is slated to receive approval to test out M.Billy here next month, followed by Germany in June.

Taking a step further, Hyundai Mobis plans to increase the number of self-driving cars to over 10 units by the end of this year, the company said.

In terms of human resources, Mobis said it would boost the number of staff allocated to the autonomous driving segment by more than 15 percent every year from the current 600 people until 2021.

“Our goal is to mass produce the level-three autonomous driving system equipped with Mobis’ self-developed sensor by 2022,” the company said. 

By Kim Bo-gyung (