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Samsung expands into built-in kitchen appliances market with Sempio

Samsung to introduce US-based Dacor as new premium built-in brand this year

Samsung Electronics on Wednesday opened a cooking studio filled with its built-in appliances in partnership with local food company Sempio, announcing its expansion strategy for the 1 trillion won ($937 million) built-in market.

A range of Samsung’s premium kitchen appliances from its Internet of Things-based Family Hub refrigerator, bottom-mounted freezer-type fridge, induction cooktop and WaterWall dishwasher to its built-in oven are set up in the cooking studio, dubbed “Sempio Korean Taste Space.”

Samsung said they will use the space to hold cooking classes and workshops on food culture in partnership with Sempio, offering consumers opportunities to experience Samsung products and understand Sempio’s vision to spread a healthier food culture.

The partnership is also part of Samsung’s plan to strengthen its built-in appliances business this year, eyeing on the rising demand for built-in kitchens for luxury mansions, premium apartments and food businesses.

The electronics giant will officially launch US-based built-in brand Dacor in the domestic market during the fourth quarter of this year for the first time since it acquired the company in 2016. 

Kim Hyun-suk (from right), president of consumer electronics at Samsung, chef Kang Min-goo and Sempio CEO Park Jin-sun pose during a media event announcing their partnership for built-in appliances in Seoul on Wednesday. (Samsung Electronics)
Kim Hyun-suk (from right), president of consumer electronics at Samsung, chef Kang Min-goo and Sempio CEO Park Jin-sun pose during a media event announcing their partnership for built-in appliances in Seoul on Wednesday. (Samsung Electronics)

Dacor will be the most premium built-in brand by Samsung, which will target needs from, for example, high-end town houses. Other mid-end built-in and premium brands like Chief Collection will also continue, the firm said.

“We are expecting to see a rapid growth in the built-in market, and our goal is to settle in this market by 2020,” said Kim Hyun-suk, president of consumer electronics at Samsung. “After acquiring Dacor, we are seeing meaningful achievements in the US market, too, for example rising to the No. 2 position in the induction market.”

In Korea, there is growing demand for renovating kitchens at ordinary households by reflecting their lifestyles, the president said.

“Kitchen, dining room and living room are becoming a single space where family members spend the most time at home, and how the space looks is becoming important in terms of people’s lifestyle,” Kim said.

Some of the Dacor products will be modified to fit Koreans’ lifestyle, especially in terms of design to be contemporary, modern and minimal, the president said.

“We are targeting Europe as the biggest built-in appliances market in the world as well,” he said.

By Song Su-hyun (