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SKT’s compensation plan stokes criticisms

SK Telecom has begun dispersing information on refunds for subscribers who experienced network outage problems Friday, but some have demanded higher compensation, according to industry sources Monday.

The telecom operator announced Sunday it would provide refunds ranging from 600 won to 7,300 won (60 cents to $6.90), depending on individual subscribers’ mobile plans, for the network problems that occurred roughly between 3 p.m. and 6 p.m. Friday.

According to SKT, the operator planned to send text messages to about 7.3 million subscribers who experienced network interruptions by the end of the day to let them know they are eligible for the compensation.

“Due to the huge number of consumers to be refunded, some of them have not yet been contacted about the plan,” an SKT official said earlier in the afternoon. “But we will make sure all of the subscribers are informed today.”

Those who were unable to make calls or send messages Friday afternoon are eligible to receive the refunds, according to the official, as the number of users complaining that they experienced slow data speeds continued to expand.

Several SKT subscribers wrote on online communities that they found their data was transmitted on the 3G network at a slower speed than the Long Term Evolution network for hours on the day. 


“How can SKT compensate customers selectively? Nearly all subscribers suffered slow data speed and poor voice calls during the day,” said one of the subscribers who was not contacted by SKT on the online community Clien on Monday

A mother of a 7-year-old daughter wrote on the website of the Blue House’s petition board about SKT’s “complacent” compensation plan.

“I was so frightened about my daughter’s whereabouts after her class due to call failures, but SKT is trying to cover up the problem with some money,” she said. As of Monday afternoon, 12 people had signed the petition.

There are also customers who demand greater compensation, such as deliverymen and designated drivers, complaining about the paltry sum being offered in comparison to the losses they suffered.

“Additional compensation can be considered if their losses are confirmed by their companies,” the official said.

People’s Solidarity for Participatory Democracy said the group is seeking to demand more specific and customized compensation plans from SKT on behalf of consumers.

“Consumer confusion is mounting as the company is not informing them of the compensation size and scope properly,” said an official at the group. “SKT should come up with better refund plans and preventive measures.”

By Song Su-hyun (
