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Henry takes shower with nothing but wet towel

Super Junior-M’s Henry managed to show off his survival skills on MBC’s “Real Man” on Sunday, by taking a “simple” shower using only a wet towel.

The K-pop singer took a piece of wet towel and wiped off from head to toe, while his fellow soldiers took a normal morning shower.

Henry and the other members of “Real Man” were on deployment to the Philippines.

Some watchers pointed out that Henry’s survival skill was in fact “the true portrayal of deployment.” When soldiers are sent abroad, many end up rinsing their mouths with antiseptic mouthwash and wiping down with a towel rather than brushing their teeth with a toothbrush and toothpaste, and taking proper showers.

Meanwhile, one of the members, Park Hyoung-sik, is to leave the program due to his overloaded schedule.

By Ha Ji-won, Intern reporter (