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Britain approves new sanctions on N. Korean ships, firms: report

Britain has approved a new set of sanctions on North Korea that target ships and companies involved in alleged smuggling activities by the North, Radio Free Asia reported Friday.

The US-funded broadcaster said the British government Thursday added 15 ships, 21 companies and one individual to a list of designations subject to the UN sanctions on Pyongyang.

The UN Security Council (Yonhap)
The UN Security Council (Yonhap)

The UN Security Council's North Korea sanctions committee on March 30 unanimously adopted sanctions designations on 21 shipping companies, one individual and 27 ships. The decision was aimed at countering maritime smuggling by North Korea to obtain oil and sell coal in violation of restrictions that have been imposed over its nuclear and missile programs.

The new set of sanctions came despite an easing of tensions as North Korea is expected to hold separate summits with South Korean President Moon Jae-in on April 27 and with US President Donald Trump by the end of May. (Yonhap)

