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Seoul City to hold ‘space-out’ contest on April 22

Seoul City is set to host the fifth Korean “space-out” competition on April 22 along the Han River.

The event seeks to find those who can stay zoned out for the longest time. According to the organizers, the competition aims to highlight the value of doing nothing as opposed to busy city life. It promotes a stress-free life without overloading on information and electronic devices.

The fourth edition of the competition was held in Gangdong-gu, Seoul, last year. Similar events have also been held abroad, with the latest one in Hong Kong on Saturday. There have been six international competitions. 
(Space-out Competition Facebook Page)
(Space-out Competition Facebook Page)

(Space-out Competition Facebook Page)
(Space-out Competition Facebook Page)

Seoul City said Tuesday that the upcoming contest will be held from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. at Yeouido Hangang Park.

Participants have to spend 90 minutes doing nothing and “chilling” to win the contest. While they are spacing out, the organizing committee will check their heart rates every 15 minutes. The contestants with the most stable heart rates will win the competition.

The top three contestants will be selected based on a vote by citizens and heart rate data.

During the competition, contenders are banned from talking, but they may use cards provided to them to send across messages, such as “I need water.”

The contest is divided into two categories: one for international participants and the other for local contenders. A total of 150 participants will be selected to join the event. Registration is open until midnight Wednesday on the official website at

By Ahn Sang-yool (