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NK Paralympic delegation officially welcomed at athletes' village

PYEONGCHANG, South Korea -- The North Korean Paralympic team was officially admitted Thursday into the athletes' village for the PyeongChang Winter Paralympic Games.

A welcome ceremony for the North Korean team took place at the athletes' village in PyeongChang, some 180 kilometers east of Seoul, in snowy weather and some 20 members, including Jong Hyon, the vice chairman of the Korean Federation for the Protection of the Disabled attended the ceremony. The North Koreans had the welcome ceremony with the delegation from China.

Following a greeting from the PyeongChang Paralympic Village Mayor Park Eun-soo, Jong and sit skier Kim Jong-hyon presented a Korean traditional jar as a gift. Jong then wrote a message on the Paralympic Mural at the village, which read "prestige of compatriots."

North Korean athletes and officials for the PyeongChang Winter Paralympics wave their national flag during the welcome ceremony at the athletes` village in PyeongChang, Gangwon Province, on March 8. (Yonhap)
North Korean athletes and officials for the PyeongChang Winter Paralympics wave their national flag during the welcome ceremony at the athletes` village in PyeongChang, Gangwon Province, on March 8. (Yonhap)

The ceremony later followed with dancers' performance, and North Koreans clapped their hands, while waving their national flags.

The North Korean delegation crossed the border into the South Wednesday. In its first ever Winter Paralympics appearance, North Korea sent 24 members, including six athletes, but only two -- Ma Yu-chol and Kim Jong-hyon -- will compete in Nordic skiing events.

The PyeongChang Paralympics will run from Friday to March 18. (Yonhap)
