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Seoul to draw up guidelines on personal mobility device

The Seoul Metropolitan Government is set to draw up guidelines on the use of personal mobility devices, or PMDs.

The guidelines will restrict where people could use their devices and put a limit on the maximum speed.

Some Korean users ride the transport devices on public roads, while being exposed to traffic accidents. Others ride at a high speed on bike roads and sidewalks, posing risks to cyclists and pedestrians.

The Seoul City said the guidelines will also require users to obtain a license and equip themselves with safety items. The current law requires a state-issued license, but the majority of users are not aware of related regulations. 


Two districts in Seoul will be designated as PMD test areas in 2018 to explore the effectiveness of the envisioned regulations. After the test period, the city plans to evaluate the results and move to revise the related laws.

About 60,000 PMDs were sold in Korea last year. The figure for 2017 is forecast to reach 75,000, according to a report by the Korea Transport Issue in July.

By Im Eun-byel (