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Woman charged with murder in NY subway shove death

Police say Erica Menendez pushed a man in fromt of a train at the 40th St-Lowry St Station. (AP)
Police say Erica Menendez pushed a man in fromt of a train at the 40th St-Lowry St Station. (AP)

A woman accused of pushing an immigrant from India to his death in front of a subway train was charged Saturday with murder as a hate crime.

Police arrested Erica Menendez on Saturday after a passer-by on a street noticed she resembled the woman seen in a surveillance video.

A spokeswoman for Queens District Attorney Richard A. Brown said Menendez told authorities she hates Hindus and Muslims.

Subway shoving victim Sunando Sen was from India, but it‘s unclear if he was Muslim or Hindu.

Sen, who lived in the borough of Queens and ran a printing shop, was killed Thursday night. Witnesses said a muttering woman pushed him on the tracks as a No. 7 train entered a Queens station and then ran off.

Menendez was in custody Saturday and couldn’t be reached for comment. It was unclear if she had an attorney.

It was unclear whether the woman who pushed Sen had any connection to him. Witnesses told police the two hadn‘t interacted on the platform as they waited for the 7 train, which runs between Manhattan and Queens.

Police released security camera video showing the woman running from the station where Sen was killed.

On Saturday, a passer-by noticed a woman who resembled the woman in the video and called police. Police responded and confirmed her identity and took her to a police station, where she made statements implicating herself in the crime, police spokesman Paul Browne said.

The attack was the second time this month that a man was pushed to his death in a city subway station. A homeless man was arrested in early December and accused of shoving a man in front of a train in Times Square. He claimed he acted in self-defense and is awaiting trial. (AP)

<관련 한글 기사>

뉴욕女 지하철서 '또' 떠밀기 살인, 충격..

미국 뉴욕의 지하철 플랫폼에서 한 인도 이민자를 떠밀어 사망케 한 여성이 지난 토요일 살인 혐의로 유죄를 선고받았다.

용의자 멘데즈는 수사 과정에서 힌두교도와 이슬람교도들을 증오한다고 밝혔다고 뉴욕 퀸즈 지방검사 리차드 브라운의 대변인이 전했다.

피해자 수난도 센(Sunando Sen, 46)은 인도 출신이지만 종교는 확실치 않은 것으로 알려졌다.

퀸즈에서 인쇄소를 운영하며 생활하던 센은 지난 목요일 지하철 퀸즈역 플랫폼에 서있다 한 여성이 그를 떠밀면서 열차에 치며 사망했다.

경찰은 수사를 위해 사건 당시 촬영된 보안 카메라 영상을 공개해 용의자 여성을 공개 수배해 왔다.

이번 사건은 12월 초 한 노숙자가 뉴욕 타임스퀘어 역에서 한 한국인 교포를 선로 아래로떠밀어 사망케 한 것과 유사한 사건으로 뉴욕에서만 이달 들어 두 번째 발생했다. (코리아헤럴드)