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Everything about Baekhyun-Taeyeon couple

The news that EXO’s Baekhyun is now dating Girls’ Generation leader Taeyeon is creating a frenzy throughout Asia, arousing curiosity over everything about the new couple. 

A day after Baekhyun and Taeyeon confirmed their romantic relationship, more details of their love story were revealed by a source close to the couple. 

The following is the exclusive Q&A session on the reports by Korean entertainment news outlet Dispatch that had the interview with the source.

Q. From when did Taeyeon and Baekhyun start to have feelings for each other?
A. Baekhyun and Taeyeon first met in 2011 when the former was picked as a SM trainee. They have developed an interest in each other since then. They realized their feelings for each other last year, and started a romantic relationship this February.

Q. What made them attracted to each other?
A. Baekhyun has said that he was a big fan of Taeyeon. Taeyeon was also particularly interested in Baekhyun who she found patient and hardworking over time. She is said to have watched him practicing alone until dawn.

Q What is the common interest of the couple?
A. Baekhyun only trained for seven months before joining EXO-K in a stark contrast to EXO-K leader Suho who had trained for seven years. That made him feel that he lags behind fellow members. Taeyeon was his mentor. He relied on her a lot and she supported him.

Q. Are there any pet names for each other?
A. They call themselves “Taengkoong,” a combination of Taeyeon’s pet name “Taengoo” and Baekhyun’s pet name “Baekoong.” Taeyeon calls Baekhyun “Baekung,” “Baekyun,” or “Baekoong.” Baekhyun, on the other hand, calls Taeyeon “Taengoo,” or her name. When they talk, they speak casually (without titles such as older sister, a sign of their close relationship).

Q. The two were suspected of dating among fans, but how?
A. Some fans noticed that Baekhyun and Taeyeon wore the same item such as bracelets, headphones or sunglasses. They also posted selfies in similar postures on their respective Instagram.

Q. Is Taeyeon’s post on Instagram, titled “Taengkoong very much” evidence of their relationship?
A. Last January, Taeyeon posted a photo of a mug with her face printed on it. She wrote “Taengkoong very much” in the caption. Fans suspected that Taengkoong had indicated Taeyeon and Baekhyun. This is when the two started to have feelings for each other.

Q. When did they normally go on dates?
A. Mostly at dawn, out of fans’ sight. For the last month, Dispatch witnessed the two going on more than five dates. Despite their hectic schedules, they met up late at night when they were both in Korea. When they had events abroad, they met up earlier than usual and spent longer time together.

Q. How do they normally enjoy dates?
A. They hang out mostly in Taeyeon’s car -- Benz SLK 55AMG. Taeyeon drove herself to go to somewhere near Baekhyun’s home. When there was nobody around, they opened the car roof to enjoy some breeze. They got of the car as fans could easily recognize them.

By Ock Hyun-ju (