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Cows crash party, drink all the beer

Police in Massachusetts attempting to deal with a herd of loose cows said the beer-loving bovines crashed a backyard party and cleared it of brews.


Boxford Police Lt. James Riter said he was directing traffic around the herd on Main Street when the cows took off for the back yard of a nearby home, The Boston Globe reported Friday.

"I could hear screaming coming from the back of the house. When I ran around back, a group of young adults were outside enjoying the nice weather and having a few beers," Riter said. "The cows chased them away from the table they were sitting at and started drinking their beers. They knocked the beer cans over with their noses started drinking beer right off the table."

Riter said that of the available beers, the cows seemed to prefer the Bud Light to the Miller Light.

"When they ran out of beers on the table, one of them started to forage in the recycling to see if he could find any last drops in there," Riter said.

Riter said a dispatcher was able to contact the owner of the animals, who was able to round up the herd with the help of some friends.

"Myself and another officer blocked traffic; we had one cruiser in front of the cows, and I followed behind them," Riter said. "We marched them about three-quarters of a mile up Main Street where they belonged." (UPI)


<관련 한글 기사>

'파티광' 젖소들, 맥주를 벌컥벌컥!

미국에서 한 무리의 젖소들이 파티 장소를 ‘습격’해 맥주를 전부 마셔버리는 사건이 발생했다.

UPI통신이 현지 언론을 인용해 보도한 바에 따르면 이 사건은 메사추세츠 복스포드에 있는 한 가정 뒷마당에서 청년들이 파티를 즐기고 있던 중 일어났다고 한다.

현지 경찰 제임스 리터는 집 뒤쪽에서 비명소리가 들려서 가보니 젖소들이 파티에 참가하고 있던 젊은이들을 쫓아내고 맥주를 마시고 있었다고 밝혔다.

“(젖소들은) 코로 맥주 캔을 쓰러뜨린 다음 테이블에 쏟아진 맥주를 마시기 시작했습니다,”라고 리터는 말했다.

그는 맥주가 다 떨어지자 소들은 술을 찾아 쓰레기통을 뒤지기 시작했다고 말했다.

이 소동은 경찰이 소떼의 소유주에게 연락을 취해 젖소들을 끌고 가게 하면서 비로소 마무리가 되었다.
