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Center publishes figures for ASEAN, Korea

The ASEAN-Korea Centre has published a book compiling a wide range of information and statistics on ASEAN member states and South Korea.

The “2010 ASEAN and Korea in Figures” statistical yearbook contains information on topics such as trade, investment, culture, tourism, and key social indicators of the Association of Southeast Asian member states and Korea shown through tables and diagrams.

“This statistical yearbook serves as a useful guide for understanding the vibrant and dynamic relations between ASEAN member states and Korea,” said ASEAN-Korea Centre Secretary General Cho Young-jai.

The 2nd edition, published in both Korean and English, is distributed to relevant organizations, universities and public libraries in Korea as well as overseas including Southeast Asian countries. The e-book can also be downloaded from the Centre’s website at

For further information, contact the center’s Information and Data Unit at or call (02) 2287-1146.

The ASEAN-Korea Centre is an intergovernmental organization mandated to promote economic and socio-cultural cooperation between ASEAN member states and Korea.

The memorandum of understanding to establish the Centre was signed in November 2007 between Korea and the 10 ASEAN member countries in Singapore during the 13th ASEAN-Korea Summit.

The ASEAN member states are Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.
