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LG Chem technology not leaked in Renault case

LG Chem Ltd. said on Sunday that its battery technology was not part of information suspected to have been leaked by Renault SA officials. 

An official at the Korean company said that the three officials at the French carmaker who are accused of leaking Renault's secrets didn't have access to LG Chem's battery technology.  

"The officials are not involved in the LG Chem-related business and Renault's chief operating officer said in an interview with Le Monde that none of LG Chem's technology was leaked," an official at LG Chem said.  

U.S. media reported earlier this week that leaks of Renault SA electric-car secrets may have compromised designs by LG Chem as well as data from Nissan Motor Co. 

LG Chem signed a contract last year with Renault, Europe's third-largest carmaker, to supply hybrid car batteries.
