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Retired teacher, 52, takes 18-year-old former student as his fourth wife

Clive Richards and Jessica Anderson married in a register office last September. (captured from the Daily Mail)
Clive Richards and Jessica Anderson married in a register office last September. (captured from the Daily Mail)
A retired religious education teacher has married for the fourth time to an 18-year-old former student, The Daily Mail, a British tabloid, reported.

Clive Richards, 52, a father of two, set up home the deputy head girl Jessica Anderson when she was only 16.

Mr. Richards’ third wife Julia, 40, left him just three days before Anderson took her place.

“I can’t believe a school girl is now living in my house with my husband. What they are doing may be legal, but it is morally wrong,” Julia told The Daily Mail.

When Julia found out about the relationship, she alerted police officers, pointing out that it is an offence for an adult in a position of trust to have sex with someone under 18. But by the time of their relationship, Richards had already left Mounts Bay comprehensive school and Anderson was 16, which meant she could decide where to live.

The relationship was uncovered in 2008 when Anderson failed to return to her home after school. Anderson sent an email to her parents saying that she had fallen in love and moved in with her former teacher.

Despite Anderson’s parent’s disapproval, the pair continued the relationship and married in a register office last September.

By Moon Ye-bin (
Intern reporter

Edited by John Power

<한글 요약>

15일 영국 일간지 더 데일리 메일에 따르면 전 종교 교육 교사 클라이브 리처즈 (52)와 그의 학생 제시카 앤더슨 (19)이 나이 차이를 극복하고 결혼한 사실이 알려져 화제이다.

두 자녀의 아버지인 리처즈는 앤더슨은 16살이던 2008년에 처음 만났다.

당시, 그는 세 번째 부인인 줄리아 (40)와 함께 살고 있었지만, 앤더슨과의 관계를 이어갔다.

화가난 줄리아는 얼마 후 집을 나갔고 곧바로 경찰에 알렸지만, 이미 리처즈는 2007년부터 마운트 베이 종합학교를 그만둔 상태였고 앤더슨은 만 16살이기 때문에 법적으로 아무런 문제가 없다고 했다.

앤더슨은 어머니에게 이메일을 통해 “리저츠와 나는 함께 정착했으며 우리는 삶을 함께 할 것”이라며 “집에 돌아가지 않을 것”이라고 통보했다.

지난해 9월 혼인신고를 한 부부는 현재 영국 데번에서 리처즈의 16살인 아들과 함께 살고 있다.