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Sean, Jung to sponsor 100 Third-World kids

Singer Sean and his wife, actress Jung Hye-young, have pledged to sponsor an additional 100 children through Compassion Korea on Tuesday.

The couple has been giving support to 100 children, including six Haitians, in 26 countries. The additional sponsorships bring the total number of children supported to 200.

They began sponsoring needy children around the world three years ago. 
Sean and his wife Jung Hye-young
Sean and his wife Jung Hye-young

Haiti was rocked by a devastating earthquake last year, and the couple reached out to the victims. “I hope the children in Haiti will one day grow up to change their own future of their country, and till then, we will not stop helping them.”

They will send 45,000 won ($40) per child every month through the fund-raising foundation until their sponsored “children” graduate from high school.

Sean and Jung are goodwill ambassadors and supporters of Compassion Korea.
