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100 dogs in Canada killed after business slows

VANCOUVER _ An organization that fights animal abuse is calling the slaughter of 100 sled dogs by an outdoor adventure company in British Columbia a bloodbath and police are investigating.

Sled dogs pull a tourist during a tour run by Outdoor Adventures in the Soo Valley north of Whistler, British Columbia, Canada, on Monday, Jan. 31, 2011. (AP-Yonhap News)
Sled dogs pull a tourist during a tour run by Outdoor Adventures in the Soo Valley north of Whistler, British Columbia, Canada, on Monday, Jan. 31, 2011. (AP-Yonhap News)

The British Columbia SPCA's manager of animal cruelty investigations said Monday an Outdoor Adventures Whistler employee was told to cull the dogs.

Marcie Moriarty says some dogs were shot, while others' throats were slit before their bodies were pitched into a mass grave.

Vancouver radio station CKNW radio is reporting that the company expected more sledding business in an anticipated post-Olympics tourism boom. But the boom never materialized and the sled dogs were killed last April.

Outdoor Adventures Whistler couldn't be reached for comment.


<한글 요약>

100마리의 슬레드독 도살

캐나다의 한 야외활동체험사가 100마리의 슬레드독 (썰매끄는 개)를 도살한 것에 대해 동물학대 반대 단체가 대학살이라 비난하고 나섰으며 경찰도 조사에 착수했다.

캐나다의 브리티시콜롬비아주의 경찰 조사에 따르면 아웃도어 어드벤쳐의 휘슬러 지점의 한 직원은 명령을 받고 개들을 도살하게 되었다.

몇몇 개들은 총에 맞았고, 다른 개들은 목젖이 절단되어 한꺼번에 매장되었다.

밴쿠버의 라디오채널 CKNW의 보도에 따르면 이 회사는 올림픽 후 관광이 활성화되어 썰매개 사업의 수요가 많을 것으로 기대했으나, 관광은 활성화 되지 않았고, 따라서 작년 4월 썰매개들을 도살했다고 한다.


A sled dog howls as a tourist looks on during a tour run by Outdoor Adventures in the Soo Valley north of Whistler, British Columbia, Canada, on Monday, Jan. 31, 2011. (AP-Yonhap News)
A sled dog howls as a tourist looks on during a tour run by Outdoor Adventures in the Soo Valley north of Whistler, British Columbia, Canada, on Monday, Jan. 31, 2011. (AP-Yonhap News)

Sled dogs rest after returning from a tour run by Outdoor Adventures in the Soo Valley north of Whistler, British Columbia, Canada, on Monday, Jan. 31, 2011. (AP-Yonhap News)
Sled dogs rest after returning from a tour run by Outdoor Adventures in the Soo Valley north of Whistler, British Columbia, Canada, on Monday, Jan. 31, 2011. (AP-Yonhap News)
