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Middle children have more chances to become bully

Children with both older and younger siblings have a higher chance of becoming bullies, according to research.

Institute for Social and Economic Research at the University of Essex and the University of Warwick conducted the study covering some 40,000 British households.

It was traditionally assumed that the oldest child is likely to dominate or use violence against his or her siblings.

However, it turned out that those in between had a higher chance of being involved in physical conflict while striving for parents’ attention, as well as competing for power among siblings.

The study also showed that children who received corporal punishment are more likely to bully siblings or their peers. Of the about 2,000 children researched, about 42 percents of those who experienced physical punishment resorted to bullying.

“We know from experience that sibling bullying increases the risk of involvement in bullying at school,” Prof. Dieter Wolke, the co-author of the study told a local media.

“Children involved in bullying are 14 times more likely to suffer behavioral and emotional problems; they have no place that is safe for them.”

It is known that the manner of bullying at home showed no relationship to the education or economic level of households.

By Kang Yoon-seung
Intern reporter
Edited by Rob York

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형제-자매 中 둘째들 폭력적 성향 높아

형제 혹은 자매가 있는 아이들 중에, 첫 째 혹은 막내 보다는 가운데 있는 아이들이 속칭 “일진”으로 될 가능성이 높은 것으로 나타났다.

영국의 연구진들은 약 40,000 가구들을 조사한 결과 이와 같은 결과를 내렸다.

기존에는 첫째 아이가 우월적인 지위로 동생들에 대해 폭력을 가하는 것으로 인식되었으나, 오히려 가운데 있는 아이들이 부모의 관심과 형제, 자매들 사이에서 권력을 쟁취하기 위해 폭력을 사용하는 것으로 나타났다.

또한 부모에게 체벌을 당한 적이 있는 아이들의 42%가 형제, 자매들에게 똑같이 폭력을 가한 것으로 나타났다.

한편, 이러한 추이는 가정의 경제적 지위, 혹은 교육 수준과는 무관한 것으로 밝혀졌다.