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Thousands demonstrate against Berlusconi

ROME (AP) ― Tens of thousands of opposition activists demonstrated in central Rome on Saturday for the ouster of Premier Silvio Berlusconi.

Democratic Party leader Pierluigi Bersani told the crowd that his party is prepared to work with other opposition groups to lead a new government.

Ukrainian women`s rights group Femen, painted in colors of the Italian flag, shout slogans against Italian Premier Sivlio Berlusconi during a demonstration staged by the Italian Democratic party in Rome Saturday. (AP-Yonhap News)
Ukrainian women`s rights group Femen, painted in colors of the Italian flag, shout slogans against Italian Premier Sivlio Berlusconi during a demonstration staged by the Italian Democratic party in Rome Saturday. (AP-Yonhap News)

Demonstrators wear masks mocking Italian Premier Silvio Berlusconi (right) and Reform Minister Umberto Bossi carrying placards reading:
Demonstrators wear masks mocking Italian Premier Silvio Berlusconi (right) and Reform Minister Umberto Bossi carrying placards reading: "Silvio, change my diaper", left, and "I`m looking for confidence, payment in cash" during a demonstration staged by the Italian Democratic party in Rome, Saturday. (AP-Yonhap News)

A demonstrator holds a toilet seat with a picture of the Italian Premier Sivlio Berlusconi and writing which reads:
A demonstrator holds a toilet seat with a picture of the Italian Premier Sivlio Berlusconi and writing which reads: " Expired" during a demonstration staged by the Italian Democratic party in Rome, Saturday. (AP-Yonhap News)

“If there is discontinuity and change, we are ready with the other opposition to create a new government,” Bersani told the crowd in Piazza San Giovani.

Berlusconi’s grip on power has been weakened by the ongoing sovereign debt crisis and infighting in his coalition that has prevented clear measures. Six members of his party this week urged him to step aside to allow the formation of a broader coalition with a centrist opposition party.

The protesters, who arrived on buses and trains from throughout Italy, were joined by center-left politicians from France and Germany, as well as a group of topless female demonstrators from Ukraine known as Femen.

“We are not credible. I am ashamed of how other European countries see us. It is pitiful. This man (Berlusconi), this marionette, must go away,” said Mario Puddu, a retiree.

Berlusconi has promised a confidence vote on new legislation sought by the European Union to shore up Italy’s economy. The measures include a plan to sell government assets, tax breaks to encourage employment for the young, and getting women back into the work force. The legislation would also liberalize store opening hours and open closed professions.

Italy also agreed at a summit in Cannes to have the International Monetary Fund monitor the reform efforts, a humbling step for one of the world’s seventh largest economies with the second largest public debt in Europe.

Italy’s borrowing costs to service its enormous public debt at 120 percent of GDP have been rising since the summer, raising concerns of a default if Italy.

While Europe has bailed out Ireland, Greece and Portugal, euro zone leaders say Italy is too big to bail out.


수만명, "베를루스코니 총리 사퇴하라" 시위

수만 명의 이탈리아 야당 지지자들이 로마에 모여 베를루스코니 총리의 사퇴를 요구하고 나섰다.

이탈리아 수도 로마에서 5일(현지시간) 실비오 베를루스코니 총리의 퇴진을 요구하는 시위가 벌어졌다. 베를루스코니가 하원의 신임투표에서 가까스로 고비를 넘긴 지 한 달만이다.

이날 산지오바니 성당 앞에는 수 만 명의 야당 지지자들이 집결했다. 이런 가운데 야당인 민주당 피에르루이기 베르사니 대표가 다른 야당 단체와 함께 새로운 정부를 구상하고 있다고 밝혔다.

베르사니 대표는 만일 변화가 중단될 경우 우리는 새로운 정부를 구상하기 위해 다른 야권 세력들과 함께 할 준비가 돼 있다고 전했다.

퇴직자라고 밝힌 마리오 푸뚜는 "우리는 (베를루스코니를)신뢰할 수 없다"며 "꼭두각시 베를루스코니는 떠나야 한다"고 주장했다.

특히 이번 시위에는 프랑스와 독일의 중도좌파 정치인들과 '피멘'이라고 알려진 우크라이나 여성인권단체가 참석해 눈길을 끌었다.

이보다 앞서 이번주 집권여당인 자유국민당 소속 의원 6명이 중도좌파인 야당과 함께 폭넓은 연립정부를 구성할 것이라며 베를루스코니의 사임을 촉구하고 나섰다.

베를루스코니 총리는 지난달 유럽연합(EU) 정상들의 요구대로 이탈리아 경제를 살리기 위해 이달 내로 긴축재정과 개혁정책을 추진할 것을 약속했다.

개혁안에는 정부자산 매각을 확대하는 것을 포함해 젊은 층의 고용을 장려하기 위한 세금우대 조치와 여성노동인구 지원 등이 담겨 있다.

이런 가운데 이탈리아는 이번주 프랑스 칸에서 개최된 주요 20개국(G20) 정상회의에서 국제통화기금(IMF)의 긴축이행 여부 조사단 파견을 수용했다.

