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Helping El Salvador recover from floods

The El Salvador Embassy is accepting donations to help the country recover from the devastating tropical depression that hit the country and region last month.

Strong storms hit Central America and southern Mexico for nearly two weeks in mid-October.

In El Salvador, the hardest hit country, 1 million people have been affected, at least 34 people have lost their lives and almost 56,000 have been evacuated and housed in temporary shelters nationwide.

The damage to infrastructure is also great with at least 10 bridges that have collapsed and another 10 showing serious signs of damage while 14 highways have also been seriously affected.

The country’s president, Mauricio Funes Cartagena, declared a national state of emergency on Oct. 14.

The record rainfall of 1.2 meters in one week has shattered the record set by Hurricane Mitch in 1998.

Global warming has contributed to this record rainfall due to the rise of ocean temperatures off the coast of El Salvador.

Central America is considered by the United Nations as one of the regions most affected by climate change.

The account to which donations can be made is at the Korea Exchange Bank, Account Number 611-021250-471 under the name “Emb. Elsalvador.”

More information can be had by contacting the embassy by email at or at (02) 753-3432.