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U.S. ambassador to Seoul confident of enduring ties with Korea

U.S. Ambassador to Seoul Sung Kim expressed confidence in the resilience of the ties between his country and South Korea, saying he believes the friendship between the U.S. and the country of his birth will survive any challenge.

In his second blog post since taking office earlier this month, the Korean-American ambassador said two of his main missions here are to “strengthen and deepen” both the bilateral alliance and people-to-people ties. He is the first Korean-American to serve as Washington’s top envoy to Seoul since the sides established diplomatic relations 129 years ago.

Describing his recent attendance at an annual Korean American Friendship Night, Kim shared his thoughts on the bilateral relationship.

“As we talked and laughed through the evening I realized that even the closest of friends can have disagreements from time to time,” he wrote on Wednesday afternoon. “But Korea and the U.S. can confidently discuss and resolve any disagreements that may occur, knowing that our friendship, which has been built on common values and interests, will endure any challenge.”

The ambassador also reflected on his career that has frequently brought him to the country in the past.

“When I first went to one of these functions as a junior diplomat 20 years ago, I was just glad to be there even though I sat all the way in the back,” he wrote. “About ten years later when I attended again, I moved up to somewhere in the middle. This time I sat in the front, which just goes to show that if I can make it to the front of the room, anyone can.”

Over the weekend, Kim said he enjoyed a Thanksgiving dinner with U.S. college students who are here to teach English across the country.

He said he was reminded of what U.S. President Barack Obama once said.

“‘Service binds us to each other -- and to our communities and our country -- in a way that nothing else can.’ This dinner was a way to thank the ETAs (English Teaching Assistants) for that service,” the ambassador wrote. “I hope that as you read this blog, you also will think about ways to serve those in your community.” (Yonhap News)