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Busan partnership for effective development cooperation

The following article is an excerpt from the outcome document of the Fourth High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness in Busan from Nov. 29-Dec. 1. ― Ed.

1. We, heads of state, ministers and representatives of developing and developed countries, heads of multilateral and bilateral institutions, representatives of different types of public, civil society, private, parliamentary, local and regional organizations meeting here in Busan, Republic of Korea, recognize that we are united by a new partnership that is broader and more inclusive than ever before, founded on shared principles, common goals and differential commitments for effective international development.

2. The nature, modalities and responsibilities that apply to South-South cooperation differ from those that apply to North-South cooperation. At the same time, we recognize that we are all part of a development agenda in which we participate on the basis of common goals and shared principles. In this context, we encourage increased efforts to support effective cooperation based on our specific country situations. The principles, commitments and actions agreed in the outcome document in Busan shall be the reference for South-South partners on a voluntary basis.

3. The world stands at a critical juncture in global development. Poverty and inequality remain the central challenge. The Millennium Declaration sets out our universal mandate for development and, with the target date for the Millennium Development Goals less than four years away, the urgency of achieving strong, shared and sustainable growth and decent work in developing countries is paramount. Moreover, the declaration identifies that promoting human rights, democracy and good governance is an integral part of our development efforts. Nowhere are our development goals more urgent than in fragile and conflict-affected states. Political will is vital if these challenges are to be addressed.

4. As we reaffirm our development commitments, we realize that the world has changed profoundly since development cooperation began over 60 years ago. Economic, political, social and technological developments have revolutionized the world in which we live. Yet poverty, inequality and hunger persist. Eradicating poverty and tackling the global and regional challenges that have adverse effects on the citizens of developing countries are central to ensuring the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals and a more robust and resilient global economy for all. Our success depends on the results and impact of our joint efforts and investments as we address challenges such as health pandemics, climate change, economic downturns, food and fuel price crises, conflict, fragility and vulnerability to shocks and natural disasters.

5. We also have a more complex architecture for development cooperation, characterized by a greater number of state and non-state actors, as well as cooperation among countries at different stages in their development, many of them middle-income countries. South-South and triangular cooperation, new forms of public-private partnership, and other modalities and vehicles for development have become more prominent, complementing North-South forms of cooperation.