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Reader's Voice

On Incheon Airport...

If a public enterprise is privatized, the general public tends to think we can have a variety of benefits such as improvement of service and price competitiveness through competition. However, if you take a close a look Incheon International Airport, you’ll realize that such thoughts are wrong.

It has been in the black for seven consecutive years. A profit of 1.5 trillion won is expected this year. Especially because of 400 duty-free shops, good service and cheap prices, it is third place when it comes to shopping, beating Hong Kong, which is often called a shopping haven.

The government’s position is that privatization is needed for learning the management practices of advanced countries. But it already sells its management skill; many countries around the world dispatch experts to learn from our management.

As we have seen from several examples in the world such as Sydney Airport in Australia and Heathrow Airport in the U.K, if Incheon Airport is privatized, it is crystal clear that airfares will increase.

The experts say that it would cut open the belly of the goose that lays the golden eggs.

― So Kyung-suu, Seoul

On a recent adultery conviction...

There is a decree in the Bible saying “do not commit adultery.” It means that such a crime was prevalent at that time, and it caused serious problems. Judging a case related to adultery is hard, as it was interpreted differently, depending on people. However, in my opinion, a law banning adultery can be symbolic. Rather than simply evaluating the effects of the punishment of adultery, the law’s status in our society to curb such an inhuman crime is much bigger than what we might expect. So, this law should be maintained.

― Lee Hye-won, Seoul, via Facebook