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One week left to apply for U.K. scholarships

By Kirsty Taylor

North and South Korean students may apply until Jan. 17 for the chance to study in the U.K. through a prestigious scholarship.

The Chevening Scholarship program allows South Koreans and North Koreans living here to travel to the U.K. for fully funded postgraduate study.

Chevening alumni and director general of Korea’s National Forensic Service Chung Hee-sun praised the scholarship for helping her devote her life to her field.

“When I applied for this scholarship I was just a forensic scientist. When I had a chance to go to the U.K. to see all the facilities and systems of forensic science I realized I could never give it up. I realized how important it is and I decided to give all myself to forensic science,” said Chung, who studied at London’s King’s College through a Chevening scholarship.

“Britain is a pioneer of forensic science. When I went there it was the early 1990s. It was a time when Korea was just starting to think about forensic science. It was a good time for me to see all the possibilities and technology for forensic science.”

Chung is now the president of the International Association of Forensic Sciences and the first Asian president-elect for the international Association of Forensic Toxicologists. She said the scholarship helped her develop relationships with people working in her field in the U.K.

“It is a really good thing for both the Korean people and the people in the U.K. to make long lasting relationships.”

There are 25 Koreans currently on Chevening scholarships, which cover the full cost of one year’s postgraduate study at a British university. A similar number of students are expected to be awarded funding for courses starting from this September.

The scholarships have brought more than 38,000 scholars to study in the U.K., including around 1,000 people from South Korea. Leading Chevening alumni here include former Prime Minister Chung Woon-chan, former Health and Welfare Minister Choi Kwang, Chief Presidential Secretary Yim Tae-hee and president of the National Information Society Agency Kim Sung-tae.

Applicants must have a good undergraduate degree and a good level of spoken and written English.

Following the Jan. 17 deadline, final candidates will be contacted and interviewed from 28 Feb. to Mar. 30. Successful applicants will then be contacted by mid May.

For more information go to the British Embassy website: or e-mail
