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Hanwha wins record-high order in Iraq

Construction firm set to sign $8 billion housing deal in Iraq

Hanwha Group has secured new growth potential in the overseas market as its construction unit has won the order for a new town supply in Iraq.

The Iraqi government recently endorsed the business deal under which Hanwha Engineering & Construction will build 100,000 houses in Bismayah, which is scheduled to be a satellite city of Baghdad.

Its scale will mark the largest-ever in history in Korea’s overseas construction projects, the group said in a statement on Thursday.

A formal contract will be signed soon, with group chairman Kim Seung-youn to take part in the event, the group said.

“It will take about seven years to complete the construction,” Hanwha said. “The building cost will approach $8 billion.”

The figure of $8 billion exceeds 10 percent of Korea’s overseas construction order plan totaling $70 billion.

Market analysts estimated that the scale of the new town would be equivalent to that of Bundang, south of Seoul.

The group’s project is likely to be a role model for other local players amid the recent construction boom in the Middle East.

Like the 1970s, another construction boom was emerging in the region.

Last March, the government announced that it will support more than 1,200 young adults in finding work and volunteer opportunities in Muslim countries.

Earlier, President Lee Myung-bak instructed public officials to consider measures to create more employment and internship opportunities in the Middle East after his three-nation tour to the region.

Last year, Hanwha E&C signed a $1.05 billion deal to build a power station and desalination plant in Saudi Arabia.

The builder said it is to establish the plant at Yanbu industrial complex, the biggest of its kind in Saudi Arabia and located on the western side of the country, by 2014 under the deal with Marafiq, a Saudi Arabian power and water utility company.

Facilities to be built at the site include three 230 megawatt-steam turbine power generators, three 830-ton boilers and ones for desalination.

Hanwha executives attributed the deal to the builder having earned credibility for its expertise in engineering, procurement and construction projects from the ordering body.

By Kim Yon-se (

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한화, 80억불 이라크 신도시 건설 계약

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이 사업비는 우리나라의 올해 해외건설 수주목표(700억달러)의 10%를 웃도는 규 모다.

조만간 이라크에서 이뤄질 본계약 체결식에는 김승연 회장이 직접 참석한다.

이 프로젝트는 이라크 수도인 바그다드에서 동남쪽으로 10km 떨어진 비스마야 지역에 1천830ha 규모의 신도시를 개발하는 공사이다.

도로와 상·하수관로를 포함한 신도시 조성공사와 10만가구의 국민주택  건설공사로 구성된다. 

설계·조달·시공을 모두 한 회사가 맡는 디자인 빌드(Design Build) 방식으로 진행된다. 공사기간은 7년이고, 총 공사대금은 77억5천만달러이다. 

선수금은 25%이다. 물가상승을 반영한 공사금액 증액조항을 포함하고 있어 실제 공사대금은 총 80억달러에 이를 것으로 전망된다.

주택 공급면적은 100㎡와 120㎡, 140㎡형 등이다. 면적별로 공용공간과  개인공 간의 분리를 통해 이슬람 문화를 반영한 트래디셔널 스타일, 공용공간의 효율성을 높인 모던 스타일 등 총 6개 타입으로 나뉜다.

이라크 정부가 지난해 말부터 공무원들을 대상으로 시작한 청약은 이미 완료돼 곧 분양 계약을 할 예정이다. 이라크 신도시 건설공사 재원은 이라크 정부와 현지 주택 분양대금 등을 통해 조달된다. 이라크 재무성 산하 3개 국영은행이 공사대금에 대한 지급보증을 하기로 했다.