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Women can fight breast cleavage wrinkles

Facial wrinkles get the lion's share of attention, but a U.S. plastic surgeon says wrinkles in women's breast cleavage can also be remedied.

Dr. Rod Rohrich, chairman of plastic surgery at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas, said wrinkle-fighting strategies can work on other areas of the body besides the face.

One such area is breast cleavage -- where wrinkling caused by excessive sun tanning or aging is typically due to loss of subcutaneous fat.

Preventive measures include avoiding sun and applying sunscreen, Rohrich said.

"However, for those already affected, plastic surgeons can often successfully treat damage with a wrinkle-fighting combination of Botox and diluted Sculptura," Rohrich said in a statement.

Sculptura is a cosmetic injection containing poly-L-lactic acid, a long-lasting filler approved for cosmetic use facial rejuvenation.

The in-office procedure typically takes about 15 minutes, but may require two treatments about four weeks apart.

"Patients love the results and sometimes combine that with a series of chemical peels that help address skin pigmentation changes," Rohrich said.(UPI)

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댈러스에 위치한 텍사스 주립대 싸우스웨스턴 메디컬 센터의 로드 로리치 박사는 안면 뿐 아니라 몸에 생기는 주름에까지도 안티에이징 기술을 응용할 수 있다고 밝혔다.

가슴골과 같은 부위는 주로 과한 태닝이나 노화에 따른 피하지방 손실로 인해 주름이 발생한다.

이러한 주름은 햇빛을 피하거나 자외선 차단제를 바르는 것으로 사전 예방을 할 수 있다.

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스캅츄라는 PLA가 포함된 성형용 주입물로, 장기 지속되는 얼굴 주름용 필러다.

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