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Korea renames police academy after late leader Kim Jong-il

(Yonhap) -- North Korea renamed a police university after late leader Kim Jong-il under the direction of his son and current leader Kim Jong-un, state media said Saturday, the first such case since the late leader died in December last year.

   The People's Security University was renamed "Kim Jong Il People's Security University," according to the North's official Korean Central News Agency. The move is believed to be aimed at strengthening the personality cult around the late leader.

   "A meeting of teachers and cadets of the university took place on Friday to vow to repay the deep trust and great loving care shown by Supreme Commander Marshal Kim Jong-un," KCNA said.

   The late leader died abruptly of a heart attack after ruling the communist nation for 17 years since his father and national founder Kim Il-sung died in 1994. Kim Jong-il's third son, Jong-un, has since taken over as leader.