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Park could name more members of transition team Sunday: spokesman

President-elect Park Geun-hye could name more members of her transition committee this weekend, her spokesman said Saturday.

On Thursday, Park named former Constitutional Court chief Kim Yong-joon to lead her transition team and appointed several other people to serve in senior positions within the committee.

She made her first appointments as president-elect on Monday by naming her chief of staff, senior spokesman and two other spokespeople.

"President-elect Park still has to make her final decisions on the appointments, so I can't give a definite answer, but it's possible they will be announced tomorrow," Park's spokesman Park Sun-kyoo told Yonhap News Agency by phone.

The next set of appointments is expected to include the chief administrator and the administrators of each subcommittee, who will be responsible for handling day-to-day operations. The total size of the committee is expected to be about 100-150 people.

The spokesman also said Park is likely to keep around the same number of subcommittees as her predecessors, with a total of seven or eight subcommittees handling political affairs, the economy, foreign policy, welfare, and social and cultural affairs.

The main opposition Democratic United Party stepped up its attacks on Park, citing ethical and other lapses by some of her appointees. The president-elect belongs to the ruling Saenuri Party.

DUP spokesman Youn Kwan-suk demanded Park withdraw her appointment of Yoon Chang-jung as her senior spokesman, calling him "the most biased person and a fascist commentator."

(Yonhap News)
