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First comes work, then comes marriage


Nearly 40 percent of U.S. workers in a survey indicated they had dated a co-worker at some point in their lives, CareerBuilder said Wednesday.

In addition, the employment firm said in a survey of 4,216 workers conducted by Harris Interactive, 17 percent of respondents indicated they had gone out with co-workers at least twice. And of those who had dated a co-worker, 30 percent indicated the relationship culminated in marriage.

Most of those who go out with a co-worker date a peer, but 29 percent of the workers who have dated a co-worker indicated that co-worker outranked them at work and 16 percent indicated they dated their own boss.

Women indicated they were more likely than men to date someone higher up in the hierarchy at work with 38 percent indicating they had dated a superior while 21 percent of men indicated they had done so.

CareerBuilder said the five industries where dating a co-worker was most common were leisure and hospitality, information technology, finance, healthcare and professional and business services.

Employers worried about productivity might be relieved to find that workers indicated the most common places for romance to begin was in a social setting outside of work. Running into a co-worker outside of work and happy hours were the two most commonly mentioned places for co-workers to initiate a romance. This was followed by late nights at work and by lunch, CareerBuilder said.

The survey was conducted throughout the month of November. The results carry a margin of error of 1.51 percentage points, it can be said with 95 percent certainty, CareerBuilder said. (UPI)

<관련 한글 기사>

회사동료와 눈맞을 확률 높은 직종은?

미국 근로자 중 40%는 같이 일하는 동료와 교제한 적이 있는 것으로 밝혀졌다.

고용 전문 회사 커리어빌더가 4,216명을 대상으로 진행한 이 설문조사에서 응답자의 17%는 적어도 두 번 이상 동료직원과 데이트를 한 적이 있으며, 그 중 30%는 상대자와 결혼했다고 답했다.

대부분의 응답자는 자신과 동등한 위치에 있는 동료와 데이트를 했다고 답한 반면 29%는 자신보다 높은 지위에 있는 사람과 만났고, 다른 16%는 직속상사와 교제한 것으로 나타났다.

여성들은 직장 내에서 상급자를 만나는 비율이 38%로 21%인 남성보다 높았다.

직장 동료와 교제가 자주 이뤄진 직업군은 레져와 서비스업, 정보 기술업, 금융업계, 건강∙보건 그리고 전문직종과 비즈니스 서비스 업계 종사자로 나타났다.

응답자들은 고용주의 눈을 피해 주로 회사 밖에서 만나고, 회사 내에서는 늦은 밤이나 점심시간에 데이트를 즐긴다고 답했다.

이 조사 결과는 오차범위 1.51% 포인트로 지난해 11월에 진행됐다.
