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Park names diplomat, key aides as ambassadors

President Park Geun-hye tapped former first Vice Foreign Minister Ahn Ho-young as South Korea’s ambassador to the U.S. and former three-term Saenuri Party lawmaker Kwon Young-se as ambassador to China, Cheong Wa Dae said Sunday.

As her chief envoy to Japan, Park named Lee Byung-gi, adviser to the Youido Institute, the ruling party’s think tank.

She decided to retain the current ambassador to Moscow, Wi Sung-lac, and incumbent envoy to the U.N., Kim Sook,

The three new diplomats would be officially appointed after their host nations grant them agreement -- a diplomatic procedure to recognize the ambassadorial nominations that takes about a week.

They face tough diplomatic tasks to forge cooperation with the world’s four powers and the international community in tackling Pyongyang’s nuclear programs and other increasingly tricky diplomatic issues.
Their appointments of Kwon and Lee, who are key campaign official for Park during the presidential election last year, underline her strong resolve to enhance bilateral relations with Beijing and Tokyo. 

A career diplomat with his ample experience and expertise in trade, Ahn is expected to help ensure the smooth implementation of the South Korea-U.S. free trade agreement, which took effect in March last year.

Ahn served as a special envoy to the Group of 20 in 2010 and ambassador to Belgium in 2011 and first vice minister from February 2012 until March. 

Kwon, a prosecutor-turned-politician, served as a National Assembly member from 2000 through 2012. After failing to win in a parliamentary election last April, he helped Park as a chief election campaigner.

Lee is a former veteran diplomat with experience in intelligence and presidential affairs. He has long been an advisor to Park and was once mentioned as a candidate for the top post of the National Intelligence Service.

Wi has served as envoy to Russia since 2011. He has worked in various diplomatic positions including the South Korean special representative peace and security affairs at the Foreign Ministry.

Kim has served as envoy to the U.N. since 2011. He has also served as Seoul’s chief negotiator at the multilateral talks aimed at denuclearizing the North and as a senior official at the NIS.

By Song Sang-ho