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Timetable not decided on when to discuss resumption of six-party

South Korea's foreign ministry said Saturday that no decision has been made yet on when to hold a three-way meeting among Seoul, Washington and Tokyo to discuss the resumption of long-stalled talks on denuclearizing North Korea.
Japan's Asahi Shimbun had reported earlier that U.S. nuclear envoy Glyn Davis called his Japanese counterpart on Friday to discuss the stalled six-party talks. The U.S. has been discussing the issue periodically with its two major Asian allies.
"It is our turn this time to hold the three-way meeting but nothing has been determined yet on when to hold it," the South Korean foreign ministry said in a press release.
The three countries, together with China and Russia, had held so-called six-party denuclearization talks with North Korea but little progress was reported. (Yonhap News)
