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[영한기사대역] Tourist trains showcase beauty of rural Korea

To Koreans, Baekdu-daegan, nicknamed the “spine of the Korean Peninsula,” is not just a chain of mountains running along the country. It is also a symbol of the peninsula’s history, culture and scenery.

In the early 20th century, the mountain range and the surrounding regions not only offered splendid landscapes but also supported the nation’s economic growth, with its rich volume of natural resources.

However, with the decline of the timber and coal industries, the area faded from the public’s attention. Only the decades-long industrial railroad remained as testament to its past glory.

It was here that KORAIL decided to introduce tourist trains, specially developed to explore the mountainous and rural areas.

The state-run rail operator last week launched the “V-train,” an exclusive sightseeing train that passes through the valleys of Baekdu-daegan, shuttling from Cheoram, Gangwon Province, to Buncheon, North Gyeongsang Province.

KORAIL also began service of the “O-train,” which loops around the mountainous regions and connects the country’s three major railways -- the Joongang Line, the Taebaek line and the Yeongdong line.

“The deep gorges of the central inland region offer a unique sight, the true characteristic of Korea’s eastern provinces,” said a KORAIL official.

“Because of the geographic location and the traffic inconvenience, however, its charms were largely veiled to the public.”

Visitors are often discouraged by the curvy, unpaved roads but on the V-train, they can enjoy the hidden mountain landscapes and the peaceful countryside, as well as the tourist services provided by KORAIL, the official added.

In order to access the V-train, visitors are recommended to first take the O-train, which connects Seoul and Jecheon, and then loops around Jecheon, Yeongju and Taebaek.

<한글 번역>

시골의 아름다움을 볼 수 있는 관광 열차

한반도의 등줄기라는 별명을 가진 백두대간은 한국인들에게 국토를 종단하는 산줄기일 뿐 아니라 한반도의 역사와 문화, 경관의 상징이기도 하다.

20세기 초 그 산맥과 주변지역은 화려한 경치를 제공했을 뿐 아니라 천연자원이 풍부해 국가의 경제성장을 지원하기도 했다.

하지만 목재와 석탄산업이 쇠퇴하면서 그 지역은 대중의 관심에서 서서히 사라졌다. 수십 년 동안 사용됐던 산업철도만 덩그러니 남아 과거의 영광을 증언했을 뿐이다.

바로 이 곳에 코레일이 산과 시골을 여행할 수 있도록 특별히 개발한 관광열차를 도입했다. (중략)

*a chain of mountains 산줄기
*scenery 경치, 풍경
*mountain range 산맥
*splendid 훌륭한, 화려한
*natural resources 천연 자원
*timber 목재
*testament 증명, 증거, 입증(to)
*glory 영광
*mountainous 산악성의, 산지의
*rural 시골의, 지방의
*exclusive 배타적인, 독점적인
*shuttle 왕복하다
*loop 고리를 그리며 움직이다
*gorge 골짜기, 협곡, 폭식
*geographical 지리적인
*discourage 낙담시키다, 단념시키다
*curvy 구불구불한, 굽은
*access 이용하다; 이용하다
(코리아헤럴드 4월20일자 1면)
