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[팟캐스트] (6) 전두환 차남, 검찰 조사받아

Investigators grill Chun’s son over alleged tax evasion, land deal

코리아 헤럴드 9월 4일일자 기사 

기사 내용 요약:

전두환 전 대통령 비자금 의혹을 수사하는 과정에서 검찰이 차남 전재용 씨가 외삼촌 이창석 씨와의 부동산 거래 및 해외 부동산 매입 과정에서 부정이 있었는지 여부를 조사했다. 전재용 씨는 오산시 내에 있는 이 씨 명의의 땅을 매입하는 과정에서 수백억원의 이득을 남겼는데, 검찰은 이것이 불법 재산 증여가 아닌지 의심하고 있다.

Prosecutors investigating former President Chun Doo-hwan’s concealed assets on Tuesday grilled his son over allegations that he dodged a large sum of taxes in a shady real estate deal and purchased luxury residences abroad with his father’s slush fund.


* grill: 심문하다

유의어: interrogate, question

* shady: 불법, 부정 등의 수상쩍은

* slush fund: 비자금

Chun’s second son, Jae-yong, was summoned by Seoul Central Prosecutors’ Office early in the morning as a key suspect for a suspicious land transaction with his uncle in 2006.


* summon: 소환하다

* key suspect: 주요 용의자

* land transaction (= land deal) 토지 거래

Prosecutors believe that the younger Chun conspired with his uncle, Lee Chang-seok, to take over a 460,000-square-meter plot of land in Osan, south of Seoul, at one tenth of the official appraisal price.


* conspire: 공모하다

* appraisal price: 공시지가

- appraisal: 가치에 대한 평가

Chun Jae-yong is the first among the ex-president’s four children to be questioned by the prosecution.

* among: (보통 셋 이상이 관련된) ~ 중에

Last month, the prosecution detained Lee, the younger brother of Chun’s wife Lee Soon-ja, on charges of evading about 5.9 billion won in tax while selling the property to his nephew.

* detain: 구금하다

* on charge of: ~ 혐의로

* evade tax: 탈세하다


