4일 오전 3시50분께 강원도 춘천시 국군춘천병원 생활관에서 오모 일병이 동료병사인 권모 일병을 흉기로 찔러 숨지게 했다.
오모 일병은 권모 일병을 찌른 뒤 난동을 부리다 부대 내 당직장교가 쏜 실탄 1발을 어깨에 맞아 중태에 빠져 수술을 받았다.
군 당국은 사고현장을 통제하고 당직장교와 부대원들을 대상으로 사고 원인을 조사중이다. (신대원 기자)
<관련 영문 기사>
Soldier stabbed to death by colleague in military hospital
A Korean soldier was stabbed to death early Friday morning by his colleague at a military hospital in Chuncheon, Gangwon Province.
An enlisted cadre at the hospital, only identified by his surname Oh, reportedly attacked a colleague who was working a night shift at about 3:50 a.m. The victim died during treatment.
A senior officer shot Oh in the shoulder while trying to keep him under control. Military officials said he is receiving treatment for the gunshot at the same hospital.
Military officials are questioning Oh’s fellow soldiers to find the motive behind the killing.