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여성환자 9명중 1명, “성희롱 경험했다”

병원 진료를 받던 여성환자 9명 가운데 1명이 성희롱 등 성적 불쾌감을 겪었다는 조사결과가 나왔다.

7일 공익인권법재단 공감이 발표한 ‘진료 과정의 성희롱 예방 기준 실태조사 연구’ 용역 보고서에 따르면, 최근 5년간 의료기관을 이용한 성인 여성 1000명 중 11.8%가 성희롱 경험을 한 것으로 나타났다.

19∼59세 성인 여성 1000명 중 최근 5년 내 진료과정 중 성적 불쾌감 등을 겪었다고 답한 이들에게 구체적 경험을 물은 결과(이하 중복응답) 총 255건의 성희롱 사례가 집계됐다.

구체적 사례로는 ‘프라이버시가 보호되지 않는 공간에서 진찰 또는 검사를 위해 옷을 벗거나 갈아입은 것’(46건)이 가장 많이 꼽혔고, 이어 ’의료인이 외모나 신체 등에 대해 성적인 표현을 했다‘가 30건, ‘진료와 관계없는 사람이 들을 수 있는 상태에서 성생활이나 성경험을 물었다’가 25건이나 집계 됐다. 진료와 관계없이 성적으로 신체를 만지거나 접촉한 사례도 23건이나 됐고 성폭행을 당할 뻔 했다고 답한 경우도 2건이나 있었다.

성적 불쾌감을 가장 많이 느낀 진료과목ㆍ진료기관 1위는 내과(50.8%)였다. 이용 빈도가 높고 가슴과 배 부위 촉진이 빈번하기 때문인 것으로 분석됐다. 이어 산부인과(45.8%), 정형외과(24.6%)와 한의원(21.2%)이 뒤를 이었다.

성적 불쾌감을 준 의료인ㆍ의료기사의 성별을 묻는 항목에서는 ‘남성’이라고 밝힌 응답자가 80.5%였다.

(코리아헤럴드 석지현 기자

<관련 영문 기사>

1 in 9 female patients sexually harassed: survey

A survey of female patients has found that more than ten percent felt sexually harassed while receiving medical treatment.

Nearly 12 percent of adult female patients experienced sexual harassment in hospitals over the past five years, according to the Human Rights Law Foundation’s survey of 1,000 people aged 19-59.

In the survey permitting multiple answers, a total of 255 cases of sexual harassment were documented.

In specific examples, having to take off clothing in an open area made up the largest share of complaints at 18 percent.

Medical personnel such as doctors making inappropriate sexual comments about one’s physical appearance was also common, standing at 11.7 percent. Up to 80.5 percent of the medical personnel were men, according to the data.

Being asked about one’s sex life and experience was reported by 9.8 percent, while conducting intimate examinations irrelevant to the treatment stood at 9 percent.

There were also two cases of attempted rape, the survey showed.

When broken down by facility, clinics to treat internal diseases were the most common location for incidents at 50.8 percent. The foundation officials explained that these facilities frequently offer treatment for issues in the chest and abdominal regions of the body.

Maternity hospitals followed next at 45.8 percent, while orthopedic offices and oriental medical clinics stood at 24.6 percent and 21.2 percent, respectively.

Despite their unpleasant experiences, more than 24 percent of victims did not take any action as they were confused as to whether the doctors’ comments and behavior were part of the treatment.

Despite calls for improved zeal, social systems protecting against gender discrimination, sexual harassment and other sex crimes remain to be a tall order in Korea.

According to a 2012 survey conducted by an employment website (, 4 out of 10 workers have experienced sexual harassment. Of the 405 respondents, 72.6 percent of those who were harassed were women.

By Suk Gee-hyun (