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박 대통령, 무인기 문제로 군 질타

박근혜 대통령이 7일 청와대 수석비서관 회의에서 북한제로 추정되는 ‘초보 무인기’에 의해서 한국의 방공망이 뚫린 것에 대해 강한 어조로 질책했다.

박 대통령은 “북한제 추정 무인기가 우리나라를 전방위로 정찰한 것으로 보이는데 우리 군 당국이 관련 사실을 전혀 파악하지 못하고 있던 것은 방공망과 지상정찰체계에 문제가 있는 것”이라고 말했다.

이와 같은 발언은 군기확립을 위한 강한 메시지로 해석되지만, 일각에서는 야권의 정부에 대한 “안보 무능” 공세를 완화하려는 의도도 있다고 보고 있다.

새정치민주연합 안철수 공동대표는 이날 최고위원회의에서 “6개월 사이 영공을 침범한 무인 항공기가 추락해 드러난 것만 세 차례로, 얼마나 많은 무인기가 수백 회, 수천 회 드나들었을지 모른다”면서 “안보 무능 정권으로 불러도 할 말 없게 됐다”고 비판했다.

이날 김관진 국방장관은 합동참모본부에서 전군지휘관회의를 소집해 우선 GOP(최전방 일반전초)부터 종심 지역에 이르기까지 현존 전력으로 감시, 탐지, 식별, 타격할 수 있는 대비태세를 강화해야 한다“고 밝혔다.

그는 또한 합동참모본부 작전지휘실에서 열린 회의에서 ”소형 무인기가 정보력에 대한 상대적인 열세를 만회하기 위한 정찰용으로 개발했다면 앞으로는 은밀 침투 및 테러 목적의 공격으로 발전이 예상된다“고 말했다.

지난 일요일 강원도 삼척 야산에서 발견된 소형 무인기를 포함해 지금까지 총 3개의 무인기가 발견되어 안보 불안이 고조되고 있는 상황이다. 

(코리아 헤럴드 송상호 기자)

<관련 영문 기사>

Park chides military for poor readiness against drones

Defense Minister Kim calls for stronger defense against drone activities

President Park Geun-hye on Monday blasted the South Korean military’s inability to detect and block North Korea’s drones, calling for a stepped-up security posture.

Her criticism came as Defense Minister Kim Kwan-jin convened a meeting of the top military brass to enhance air defense, which critics argue proved “porous” after the discovery of three drones, presumably from the North.

“The drones appeared to have carried out their reconnaissance missions in all directions of our country, and our military authorities were not aware of this at all. That means there are problems with our air defense and ground-based reconnaissance system,” said Park during a meeting with her senior secretaries.

“We should formulate measures to prepare (against the drones) and strengthen our patrols around major military facilities, and ensure that we maintain a top security posture.”

Last Sunday, the South Korean military discovered a third drone, possibly from the North, on a mountain in Samcheok, Gangwon Province. The discovery came after a drone was found in Paju on March 24 and another on the border island of Baengnyeongdo on March 31.

Park issued her criticism, pointing to citizens’ rising security concerns. Pyongyang has recently raised military tensions by launching ballistic missiles, warning of a “new form” of nuclear test and firing artillery shells south of the inter-Korean sea border.

Political pundits said that Park felt the need to address the security fears as the main opposition New Politics Alliance for Democracy apparently seized on the drone issue to attack the government ahead of the local elections slated for June.

“Over the span of six months, three drones have crashed. We never know how many drones have come here, perhaps 100 times or 1,000 times. The government would have no excuse even if we call it ‘incompetent’ in terms of security,” said Ahn Cheol-soo, cochair of the NPAD, during a meeting of his party leaders.

At the meeting of top military commanders, Defense Minister Kim ordered them to quickly strengthen capabilities to monitor, detect, identify and strike hostile unmanned aerial vehicles, first with the existing military assets.

Defining the drone-based military campaign as a new security threat, the commanders also agreed to explore new air defense tactics and strategies to help secure frontline areas.

“North Korea might have developed small drones to offset the intelligence gap with the South. But it is expected that the North will further develop the drones for stealthy infiltrations or terrorist attacks,” said Kim.

“Thus, it is urgent for us to craft measures to cope with the drone threat. I direct you to think about mid- and long-term measures against those drones that can be mobilized for attack missions.”

Defense Ministry spokesperson Kim Min-seok said that all of the three drones carried numbers -- 35 for the drone found in Samcheok, 24 for the one in Paju and six for the one on Baengnyeongdo Island.

Some observers say those numbers indicated the number of military drones the North has so far deployed.

Should it be ultimately confirmed that those drones were sent by the North, Seoul will seek to take strong measures including legal action for illegally entering South Korea’s airspace.

“Should it be confirmed, the drones’ infiltration into the South would constitute a violation of the Armistice Agreement, and that would also run afoul of the international rules,” said the ministry spokesperson.

By Song Sang-ho (