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Whereabouts of EXO-M Kris remains unclear

The whereabouts of EXO-M leader Kris are uncertain amid no signs of immediate compromise with his entertainment agency over a legal battle surrounding his contract nullification.


Kris filed a lawsuit on May 15 against S.M. Entertainment to nullify his contract and has not returned to Seoul following a showcase in China.

Some news outlets reported speculations that Kris is currently staying in Guangzhou, China.

According Chinese news site, Kris recently visited a hospital in Guangzhou to have a medical checkup over his heart issue. He may have myocarditis, a heart muscle disease, the website said, citing Kris’ medical records.

The fact that Kris’ hometown is Guangzhou added to the likelihood that he may be in the city.

Kris’ Korean legal agency Hankyul, which is in charge of the lawsuit, declined to comment on his exact whereabouts, but indicated that he is still in China.

“When he will return to Korea is uncertain,” the legal agent told The Korea Herald.

Hankyul previously worked with Super Junior ex-member Hankyung in a similar lawsuit.

The idol group‘s Chinese subunit leader has not left any public messages since Friday. Kris uploaded a written letter on Weibo last week, saying that he is doing fine and that he appreciated support from his fans. He added that he will be here forever. Kris did not specify what “here” meant.

Meanwhile, S.M. Entertainment announced that the EXO concert would be held as scheduled, regardless of Kris’ return.

The idol group’s first concert series will be held from May 23 to 25 in Seoul.
