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중국에서 한국인 마약사범 2명이 사형에 처해졌다.
외교부에 따르면 중국 지린성 바이산시 중급인민볍원은 6일 한국인 53세 김모씨와 45세 백모씨를 북한에서 중국으로 마약을 밀수하고 한국에 다시 판 혐의 등으로 사형했다.
재판부는 2011년 중국 공안에 체포된 이들은 2010년에서 2011년 사이 14차례에 걸쳐 북한에서 필로폰 14.8kg을 밀수, 일부는 한국 내 조직에 수차례 판매한 혐의가 인정된다고 전했다.
또 북한과 중국을 오가며 북한산 마약을 운반한 중국동포와 북한인 운반책도 검거돼 무기징역 등 중형을 받은 것으로 알려졌다.
한국인이 중국에서 사형 당한 것은 2004년 이후 10년 만이다. 주중한국대사관 등은 중국 사형 집행에 미뤄달라고 요청했지만 밀수한 필로폰 양이 10만 회 이상 투약할 수 있을 정도로 많아 사형 집행이 강행된 것으로 전해졌다.
중국 한국인 마약사범 사형 소식을 접한 네티즌들은 "중국 한국인 마약사범 사형, 충격이네" "중국 한국인 마약사범 사형, 당연한 일" 중국 한국인 마약사범 사형, 시진핑이 잘했네" "중국 한국인 마약사범 사형, 엄격한 법 집행..한국은 왜 이러나" 등의 반응을 보였다.
<관련 영문 뉴스>
China executes 2 Koreans for drug trafficking
Two South Korean citizens were executed for drug trafficking in China on Wednesday, Seoul officials said.
Two men, aged 53 and 45 and surnamed Kim and Baek respectively, were arrested in the northeastern province of Jilin in April 2011. Kim was convicted of smuggling 14.8 kilograms of methamphetamine on 14 occasions from 2010-11 and selling 12.3 kilograms of the drug to Baek, who resold it to South Korean cartels.
The other person, a 56-year-old identified only by his surname Chang, is reported to be awaiting execution. Chang was arrested in May 2009 for illicitly bringing 11.5 kilograms of the substance into the eastern coastal province of Shandong, transporting and selling it.
All three appealed to higher courts, which upheld the original rulings.
The execution marks the first death of a South Korean drug smuggler since 2001. In 2004, another man was executed after being convicted of murder.
Seoul’s Foreign Ministry expressed regret, saying it will provide support for the bereaved families such as for the return of the prisoners’ remains.
“We will continue efforts to prevent our citizens from being implicated in drug-related crimes abroad through coordination with other agencies, while taking all the necessary steps to help overseas Koreans facing difficulties,” spokesman Noh Kwang-il said.
The ministry and the consulates-general in Shenyang and Qingdao had repeatedly requested a delay of the executions from a “humanitarian standpoint” and given the growing international calls against the death penalty. But the amount of the trafficked drug appears to be the prime decisive factor behind the decision, officials here said.
Under Chinese law, making, carrying or selling 1 kilogram or more of opium and 50 grams or more of methamphetamine is punishable by property confiscation and 15 years to life in prison or death.
Currently some 20 other Koreans are on death row, mostly convicted of drug trafficking or murder. But the majority of them have been granted a reprieve, officials said.
China has executed several other foreigners convicted on drug charges in recent years. They include a Japanese and a Pakistani in 2014, a Filipino in 2013, four Filipinos in 2011, four Japanese in 2010 and a Briton in 2009.
By Shin Hyon-hee (heeshin@heraldcorp.com)