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김현중, 2일 경찰 출두 “상습 폭행 VS장난에 의한 실수”…진실은?

여자 친구를 폭행하고 상해를 입힌 혐의로 고소당한 가수 겸 배우 김현중이 2일 송파경찰서에 피고소인 자격으로 출석해 조사를 받을 예정이다.

2일 한 매체는 김현중 변호사의 말을 빌려 김현중이 2일 저녁 피소 사건이 접수된 송파경찰서에 출석해 조사를 받을 예정이라고 전했다.

김현중은 여자친구 A씨에 대한 폭행치상 및 상해 혐의로 고소당한 후 11일 만에 경찰에 출두해 조사를 받는다.

현재 ‘2014 김현중 월드투어’ 콘서트를 진행 중인 김현중은 지난 주 중국 공연을 위해 조사 일정을 미뤄왔다.

앞서 김현중은 지난달 22일 여자친구 A씨로부터 폭행 치상, 상습폭행으로 고소를 당했다. 고소인 측에 따르면 두 사람은 지난 2012년부터 교제해 왔으며, 지난 5월 말부터 2개월간 수차례 폭행을 당했다고 주장하고 있다.

그러나 김현중의 소속사 키이스트는 지난달 23일 공식 보도자료를 통해 “두 사람 간의 심한 말다툼이 있었고, 그 과정 가운데 감정이 격해져 서로 몸싸움이 있었던 것은 사실이지만, 언론 보도를 통해 나온 것처럼 2개월 간 상습적인 폭행이나 수차례에 걸친 구타가 있었다는 것은 사실이 아니다”라고 설명했다.

또 소속사는 여자친구 A씨가 주장한 갈비뼈 골절 부분에 대해서도 “이번 몸싸움 중 일어난 일이 아닌 예전 서로 장난을 치던 과정 가운데 다친 것으로, 그 다음날 지인들과 함께 어울리며 활동하는 가운데 이상이 없어 다친 것을 인지하지 못했던 상황”이라고 설명했다.

현재 김현중은 A씨가 주장하는 폭행치상, 상해(늑골 골절), 상습폭행(3차례 이상) 중 일부만 인정하고 있는 상황이며, 경찰 조사를 통해 밝히겠다는 의견이다.

김현중 경찰서 출두 소식에 네티즌들은 “김현중, 진실 밝혀질까?”, “김현중, 거짓 없이 이야기했으면”, “김현중, 조사 결과 기다려야겠네” 등의 반응을 보이고 있다.



<관련 영문 뉴스>

What is the truth behind Kim Hyun-joong’s alleged assault?


 On Aug. 22, Kim Hyun-joong, one of the most popular South Korean stars in Asia, made headlines at home and abroad. But this time, behind the spotlight was disgraceful news. 

 The idol-turned-actor had charges filed against him by his girlfriend on Aug. 20 for beating her on multiple occasions.

 The news came as a shock to many of his fans who have long idolized Kim as pure, kind and good boyfriend material.

 As the news went viral, Kim’s agency KeyEast dismissed the claims and Kim left for Thailand to continue his worldwide concert tour.

 Amid the two conflicting claims over Kim’s alleged attack, Korean entertainment outlet Dispatch looked into more details and gathered evidence to determine the truth behind the controversy.

 The Korea Herald introduces two controversial points, raised by Dispatch, worth noting.

1. When did the two start dating?

Kim’s girlfriend claimed she had been in a relationship with Kim since April 2012. On the other hand, Kim’s agency said that the pair only dated for a few months until recently and that they are no longer a couple.

 However, Dispatch released a few photos and text messages that gives Kim’s girlfriend more credit.

 In the photos taken in April 2012, Kim is pictured cuddling with her at his place in southern Seoul.

 Their relationship continued in 2013. In the texts exchanged between the two last year, Kim said to his girlfriend, “I miss you,” “I will do better,” “Don’t break up with me,” “I love you” and “Do you want to move in with me?”  

But the relationship seemed to have turned sour last August. Kim texted his girlfriend to say, “My apology. I hope you can get your lost two years back. I mean it.”

The photos and text messages exchanged from 2012 to 2013 suggest that the two had dated for more than a year.

2. Did Kim use violence against his girlfriend unilaterally and repeatedly?

 Kim’s girlfriend claimed that she had been assaulted at least twice between late May and mid-July this year while arguing with Kim over women issues at his home in Jamsil, eastern Seoul. Kim’s attacks left her with bruises in May and her ribs broken in July, requiring six weeks of medical treatment. She handed in a doctor’s report to back up her claims.

 According to the reports by Dispatch, Kim’s women problems led his girlfriend to break up with him. Kim then lost control of his temper and beat her, they said.

 It was clearly a one-sided attack by Kim on his girlfriend, a source close to Kim’s girlfriend said.

 After the fight, Kim’s girlfriend texted him, “I have bruises all over my body. It hurts. I have no reason to be beaten.”

In response, Kim admitted to his mistake. “I don’t know why I did this to you as I knew that I would be sorry the next day. I am sorry that you were bruised and hurt. Hope you get better soon. I am really sorry,” Kim said.

 Kim had a fan meeting in Japan the following day and sent the apologetic message to his girlfriend the next morning.

 Dispatch claimed that what Kim’s agency says is far from true, given that no bruises were found on Kim’s body during the fan meeting.

 A day after the charges were filed against him, Kim’s agency confirmed through a press release that their arguments did get emotional and evolved into a physical altercation, but it only happened once, not repeatedly as the woman had claimed.

 The investigation by the authorities will clarify whether or not violence as claimed by the woman was used in their fight, but the very accusation of him physically abusing a woman will tarnish his until-now gentle image.

 Kim has enjoyed growing popularity with his drama “Inspiring Generation,” which helped him add a few more destinations such as Peru and Mexico to his concert schedule. Kim is now touring China, Japan and Southeast Asia as part of his worldwide concert tour “Fantasy.”

But whether he will continue to the other countries on the tour remains unclear, given he is to be summoned for questioning soon. 

 Kim is to be called by the police for questioning around the time of his return to Korea on Aug. 25 from Thailand, where he recently held a concert.

 By Ock Hyun-ju (
