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ITU urges members to follow S. Korea's quarantine measures

Hamadoun Toure, secretary-general of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), said Saturday he supports the latest quarantine measures rolled out by South Korea ahead of the ITU gathering set to kick off Monday, adding they will benefit all participants.

"The ITU, together with the rest of the international community and the United Nations System, has been closely following the outbreak of the Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) and, like the rest of the world, expresses its full solidarity with those from the affected countries," Toure said.

"As secretary-general of the ITU, I would also be happy to convey any appeal from the South Korean administration to the Ebola-affected countries of Sierra Leone, Guinea and Liberia to address this issue in accordance with the U.N. guidelines and to take the necessary measures to assure the safety and health of all conference participants and host country citizens," Toure said.

Toure's remarks came as the South Korean government has been making efforts to prevent an outbreak of Ebola at the international gathering, asking the three disease-stricken African countries to minimize their participation in the event, or instead send officials from nearby diplomatic missions.

   "Participants from Ebola-stricken countries will receive check-ups twice a day, and their locations will also be checked," an official from the Ministry of Health and Welfare said earlier.

"We have also requested that they refrain from external activities when possible when there are no official events. "  

 All countries should be prepared to detect, investigate and manage suspected Ebola cases, including access to a qualified diagnostic laboratory for EVD that has the capacity to identify and care for travelers originating from known Ebola-infected areas who arrive at international airports or major land crossing points with unexplained fevers and other symptoms.

   "I would also like to call upon all delegates for their full understanding and cooperation, knowing that any special measures that the Korean authorities may introduce will be done so to protect and benefit all of us," he said.

   The 19th International Telecommunications Union Plenipotentiary Conference, referred to as PP-14, will take place from Oct. 20 to Nov. 7, in Busan, South Korea's largest port city. The event is held every four years.

   The ITU is an information and communications arm of the U.N. that sets technological standards, allocates radio frequencies and satellite orbits, and works to improve the quality of communication services (Yonhap).