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Brown Eyed Girls leader JeA returns with solo ‘Bad Girl’

The beauty of “Bad Girl,” a two-track mini album by Brown Eyed Girls‘ leader JeA, lies in the contrasting lyrics of the two rhythm and blues tracks.

"Bad Girl,” the first track of the singer’s second solo album portrays a woman estranged from her boyfriend after cheating on him with another man, while the second track, “Island of Tears,” depicts how wretched a woman feels while missing her ex-boyfriend.

The acoustic number “Bad Girl” impressed the 34-year-old JeA with not only the uniquely sentimental mood, but also the shockingly provocative lyrics, written by Brown Eyed Soul member Jung Yup.

Brown Eyed Soul member and soloist JeA (Mystic Entertainment)
Brown Eyed Soul member and soloist JeA (Mystic Entertainment)
“Speaking of ‘Bad Girl,’ the hardest part while recording the song was the first line of the lyrics, saying ‘a lady may have an affair with other guys,’” JeA said during an interview at a cafe in southern Seoul on Thursday morning, ahead of the official release of “Bad Girl“ at midnight Thursday. “I demanded Jung Yup change the lyrics, but he said that line is very critical. I soon found that ladies are not completely to blame for their unfaithful relationship.“

JeA added that featuring R&B singer Jung Yup was not initially part of the plan.

“Jung Yup and I wanted a man’s part, defending the man’s side, so we made changes to the melody at the end,” she said.

JeA, a singer and experienced producer who has shaped Brown Eyed Girls’ music tone, also composed “Island of Tears.”

“The second track reminds me of a trip to Paris, so I cherish the song a lot,” she said. “The poetic mood of the song was created with the help of the lyricist.” she added.

JeA had recently returned to the spotlight as a producer for Mnet’s popular girl group audition program “Produce 101.”

“I’m glad I have not only international fans (who watched the show), but also very young Korean fans,” she said. “I remember fans who have cheered us on since our debut when they were students. Now they have jobs. One of them even has a 1-year-old baby.”

JeA does not have television music program appearances planned for “Bad Girl.” Instead, she will be holding concerts.

“The emotions that my song had did not seem to be fully delivered, since music programs air only parts of songs,“ she said. “Instead, I will repay my fans‘ love with quality stage performance.“

(Mystic Entertainment)
(Mystic Entertainment)
Having debuted in 2006 as a member of Brown Eyed Girls, JeA still has her eyes on the future.

“The phrase ‘10th anniversary of debut’ sounds like the day for an end is drawing near,” JeA said. “But there is still a lot I can do as a Brown Eyed Girls member. As you see, music has kept us together for a decade. I‘m proud to be the leader of this group.”

By Son Ji-hyoung (