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Pro-NK newspaper in Japan reports Moon Jae-in's election as president

A pro-North Korean newspaper based in Japan reported Wednesday that liberal politician Moon Jae-in was elected as South Korea's new president in the first coverage of the news by North Korea-related media.

The Chosun Sinbo said that Moon's presidency ended the nine-year conservative rule by predecessors Lee Myung-bak and Park Geun-hye, who was ousted in March over corruption charges.

Moon Jae-in, the newly-elected South Korean president (Yonhap)
Moon Jae-in, the newly-elected South Korean president (Yonhap)

The Chosun Sinbo is not North Korea's state media, but it serves as an unofficial mouthpiece for Pyongyang.

North Korea's state media has not released reports on Moon's election.

Moon of the liberal Democratic Party was elected South Korea's new president early Wednesday as he took 41.4 percent of votes at the election held on Tuesday.

South Korea held the presidential election seven months earlier than scheduled as former President Park was removed from office due to a corruption scandal that led to her impeachment and prompted citizens to stage rallies against her.

"The election was an outcome of South Koreans' candlelight vigils which ousted corrupt power," the newspaper said. "The regime change is another victory achieved by citizens following Park's impeachment and removal."

North Korea's state media previously reported the results of South Korea's presidential elections in a short dispatch.

One day after South Korea's presidential election in December 2012, North Korea's news agency released a one-sentence report without mentioning the name of then-President-elect Park and voter turnout. (Yonhap)
