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Woman in her 20s found dead in parking lot of church: police

The police said Thursday that a woman was found dead behind a flower bed located in the parking lot of a church in Cheongju, North Chungcheong Province.

The body of the woman in her 20s was found in a small enclosed concrete circular frame near the church at around 7 p.m. on Wednesday. The flower bed was a meter away from a pedestrian walkway and there were three security cameras at the location. However, no footage was available as the cameras turned out to be fake.


The police said that the body had been left in the flower bed for at least three days and that it had become difficult to identify due to decay.

A DNA fingerprint scan was subsequently administered. The victim was revealed to be unemployed and living apart from her family at the time of her death.

The police plan to ask a state agency to conduct an autopsy to investigate the cause of her death.

By Paige Shin / Intern reporter (